Geschmacksfragen: Sorin
Der in Berlin lebende Rumäne Sorin hat im Lauf seiner Karriere mit seinen Bands schon Support für Khraungbin, Maps & Atlases oder Charly Cunningham gespielt. Am 12. April ist jetzt sein Solo-Debüt-Album „While The Tides Turn“ rausgekommen. Ihn auf ein Genre festzulegen, ist schwierig. Indie, Folk, Electronica, Pop, Ambient, das alles spiegelt sich in seinen Songs wider. Um ihn ein bisschen näher vorzustellen, haben wir ihm unsere Geschmacksfragen gestellt. Und hört euch unbedingt dieses Album an! Das ist ganz wunderschöne Musik!

Your current favourite Song?
„The City“ by June McDoom. The Melody, mood, lyrics are beautifully aligned. The song has very different layers and switches. Her voice is still in the focus of it all. All in all a beautiful production and for me a masterpiece of songwriting.
Your current favourite record?
Adrianne Lenker – „Songs“. She is the best writer for me . Her record „Songs“ combines 11 songs that are easy going, i could just leave the songs playing all day, jet her message is always deep and captivating.
Your favourite place?
My house in Romania near the mountains. This place holds most of my best childhood memories, including memories of my ancestors who lived there. It is a place of longing and belonging, a place where my heart lives. It is also a place of creativity and inspiration, as it is located in a village where time seems to stand still. And it is close to nature and the beautiful mountains.
Your favourite drink?
Whiskey Sour. Always my go to drink, when going out or after a long day in studio. The flavour is just what a tongue wants to taste. Its that simple.
Your favourite food?
Moussaka. its just the better Lasagne!
What you’d like to read about yourself but hasn’t been written about you yet?
Sorin grew up in a loving family in humble circumstances and had to work hard all his life to get to the point where he is now. Sorin studied for many years and worked in the education system after completing his Master’s degree. After several years of double life, between musician and teacher, Sorin decided to devote all his attention to music and establish himself as a solo artist.
Thank you for the Answers!

// Text: Jens Riedel / Bilder: Sorin (by: Lisa Lankes) //