Gefragt: Kodaline
Unterwegs im Mietwagen quer durch Kalifornien, Nevada und Arizona, das Radio läuft ständig während der 3.500 Meilen des Roadtrips und am Ende des Urlaubs bleiben Ohrwürmer, die man mit nach Hause nimmt.
Ohrwurm Nummer drei, den ich mir in den USA eingefangen habe, ist „Ready“ von der irischen Alternative-Rock-Band Kodaline. Der Song ist die erste Singleauskopplung des Albums „Coming Up for Air“, welches Anfang des Jahres erschien und seitdem in den TOP10 der irischen Albumcharts gastiert. Auch beim Hurricane und Southside-Festival präsentierte die Band ihr neues Album – genügend Gründe für ein Interview mit Vinny May, Drummer bei Kodaline.
Hi Vinny, How deep is your Love?
Vinny May: I just recently got engaged so I’d say my love is pretty deep for my fiancée!
You played at the Southside and Hurricane Festival, which of them was your favourite? Did you have some time to see other bands?
Vinny May: They are both pretty similar! That was our second time to play those festivals and this time we were on the main stage which was awesome and we got pretty big crowds at both! Hurricane was really sunny and Southside was overcast but both great!
In TV they showed a Clip of your Southside Festival-Gig with the Song „High Hopes“. This song was covered by the High Hopes choir (a choir of homeless people) and made it to the Top 5 in Ireland. Did you enjoy the success of the choir? What are your own methods of helping the people in need?
Vinny May: Yes it’s always incredible when a group take one of your songs and fit it to their story, it just adds another perspective on the song for us! All the proceeds from the choir went back into helping the homeless on the streets or Ireland!
You are pretty successful in Switzerland, do you know the reason for that?
Vinny May: Nope! No idea, we’ve never had a hit song but we’ve just come back year after year and played shows that get bigger and better every time! It’s a very natural rise!
Your music is featured on the soundtracks of the US-Movie „The Fault in Our Stars“ and the German-Movie „Fack ju Göhte“. Have you seen these movies, and if so how do you think your music fits these two different kinds of movies?
Vinny May: Yes we’ve seen „The Fault in Our Stars“and it’s a brilliant book and movie! Music is universal so it can be put to things you would expect and work really well!
There are no upcoming dates on your Website. What are you doing at the moment?
Vinny May: Well it’s festival seasons so we have around 25 festivals this summer and are announcing some big tours that will happen in the autumn and winter! Pretty excited about them!
Finally, what is your favourite song from your latest album “Coming Up for Air”?
Vinny May: This is a tricky question but since I’m answering I’ll go with „Ready“ it’s a really upbeat song, great to play live and the video we released for it is awesome!
Thanks for the Interview.
/Text: André Prager / Titelbild: