Geschmacksfragen / Interviews / Musik

Geschmacksfragen: Alaskalaska

Am 14. Oktober ist das Neue Album „Still Life“ des Indie-Elektro Duos Alaskalaska erschienen. Nach ihrem Debüt-Album 2019 ist das jetzt der zweite Longplayer und mit Jas Shaw von Simian Mobile Disco mischte auch ein musikalisches Schwergewicht in der Produktion mit. Wir sind der Meinung, das ihr unbedingt in das Album reinhören müsst, um genauso große Fans wie wir zu werden. Damit ihr die beiden ein wenig besser kennenlernt, haben wir ihnen unsere Geschmacksfragen gestellt.

Your current favourite song?

I’ve really been enjoying a song called ‘key to the city’ by a band called Sorry. I love the production on it and the lyrics. It’s sad, beautiful and nostalgic all at once.

Your current favourite record?

Jockstrap’s ‘I Love You Jennifer B’. It’s a really creative, clever and fun debut LP! A rich and exciting kismet of classic pop writing mixed with off-kilter electronic production. They’re very talented!

Your favourite place?

My favourite place…Probably a beach on the Algarvian Coast called ‘Praia de bejinhos’, which means ‘beach of kisses’ in Portuguese. My dad is from near there so I try to visit it it every year and it never gets old. Always feels like my home from home.

Your favourite drink?

It’s really simple but I am an advocate for life’s simple pleasures. I love peach ice tea. It always reminds me of being on holiday when I drink it.

Your favourite food?

Spaghetti. Like I said, simple pleasures.

What you’d like to read about yourself but hasn’t been written about you yet?

That’s a good one. Obviously, it’s hard not to be influenced by what’s around you but we’ve always tried to pave our own way musically. We’re not scared to explore different sound worlds and genres even if they might be completely different from previous work. I think a lot of people are set on trying to pigeon hole artists into being one thing so that it makes sense to them but that’s never been our aim and we’re proud of that. So I guess I’d like to read ‘expect the unexpected’. Let us surprise you!

Thank you for the Answers!

// Text: Jens Riedel / Bilder: Alaskalaska (by: Tami Aftab & 0k Studios) //