Geschmacksfragen: Francis Of Delirium
Die luxemburgische Künstlerin Jana Bahrich, Frontfrau hinter dem Projekt Francis Of Delirium, hat mit „Real Love“ und „First Touch“ dieses Jahr bereits zwei neue Singles nach ihren 3 EPs raugebracht und nach den eher grunge-inspirierten Songs früherer Veröffentlichungen jetzt eine weichere, hoffnungsvollere und verletzlichere Klangpalette gewählt. Wir haben der Dame unsere Geschmacksfragen gestellt.

Your current favourite Song?
Can’t Hardly Wait by The Replacements, the song just instantly puts me in a good mood.
Your current favourite record?
It’s always hard to pick a favourite, but I’ve been listening to Grace by Jeff Buckley a lot these days. His vocal performance and writing is amazing.
Your favourite place?
Recently I’ve been taking a little inflatable boat up to a lake in Luxembourg and just rowing and reading in the sun. When it gets too hot, I do a quick dip in the lake and then go back to reading and chilling, it’s just so peaceful and quiet out there, I love it.

Your favourite drink?
I recently had a beer in a frozen glass, which was maybe the best experience I’ve ever had. All beer should be served in a frozen glass I say! It’s hard to beat an ice cold beer, black tea is also pretty solid!
Your favourite food?
Probably vareniki, they’ve been something that we only really eat on special occasions as a family so it’s sort of nostalgic for me plus it just tastes so good. Dough, potato, cheese and onion, what more could you ask for!
What you’d like to read about yourself but hasn’t been written about you yet?
That we sold out madison square garden, that would be pretty fun to read about ourselves.
Thank you for the Answers!

// Text: Jens Riedel / Bilder: Francis Of Delirium (by: Holly Whitaker) //