Geschmacksfragen: Konni Kass
Von den Färöer Inseln stammt die Sängerin, Songwriterin und Multiinstrumentalistin Konni Kass, die jetzt am 20. August ihr zweites Album „Diplopia“ veröffentlicht hat. Wer unsere Rubrik „Neue Musik“ verfolgt, hat die Singles daraus in den letzten Monaten bestimmt schon gehört. Jetzt haben wir der Dame unsere Geschmacksfragen gestellt.
Your current favourite song (and why)?
Kiss Me More (feat SZA), Doja Cat. I love Doja Cats universe and this song goes right into my heart somehow. It’s light, funky, and it has a very, very catchy melody.
Your current favourite record (and why)?
Happier Than Ever, Billie Eilish. I am a huge Billie Eilish fan, and this album is classy, laid back and jazzy. Billies sound is so unique and refreshing, and the jazzy vibe on Happier Than Ever fits Billie perfectly.
Your favourite place?
Love hiking in the Faroe Islands where I’m from. It always makes me feel so tiny compared to the vast ocean and the epic mountains, and it also makes me feel alive, especially when it’s a bit windy.
Your favourite drink?
Soda water with lemon taste. Just love the freshness
Your favourite food?
I love soups, all kinds of soups. And dal with fluffy rice, chilli, coriander etc.
What you’d like to read about yourself but hasn’t been written about you yet?
Maybe that I love music, and that it’s important for me to enjoy making music and enjoy performing. That’s definitely the most important part to me.
Thank you for the Answers!
// Text: Jens Riedel / Bilder: Konni Kass (by: Beinta á Torkilsheyggi) //