Geschmacksfragen: Slopes
Der aus Oslo stammende Dag Holtan-Hartwig alias Slopes hat in seinen jungen Jahren schon einiges erlebt. Am Liverpooler Institute of Performing Arts studierte er und hatte dabei die Gelegenheit, seine ersten Songwritingerfahrungen niemand geringerem als Sir Paul McCartney zu präsentieren, der wohl mächtig beeindruckt war. Danach hat mit seinem Songwriting/Producer Duo Skinny Days einige Platin-Hits und Streams in Milliardenhöhe für Künstler wie Ava Max, Winona Oak, Alan Walker und viele andere, bevor er im April 2021 sein Debüt als Solo-Künstler gab. Jetzt gibt es wieder Neue Musik von ihm und für uns ein Grund, in euch ein bisschen besser vorzustellen mit unseren Geschmacksfragen.
Your current favourite song?
It’s Okay by Thom Rosenthal. Although this song has been out for quite a while, I discovered this song fairly recently, and it has really stuck with me. I don’t know what it is exactly, but there is something wonderful about the sheer simplicity of it. The vocal lines are masterfully sung, with just the right amount of melancholy and naïve hopefulness. It hit’s me right in the gut. In a good way.
Your current favourite record?
The Ballet Girl by Aden Foyer is wonderfully produced. I’m actually a bit envious, I feel like he has done something that I’ve been trying to do for a while already – write a typical pop topline, but with organic instruments referencing earlier decades.
Your favourite place?
My family cabin, up in the mountains. There’s no electricity, no water in pipes, and it’s far off into the mountains. In the winter we have to go cross country skiing for half an hour to get there. It sounds crazy, but it’s amazing to be up there and only think about how to stay warm. And also, it’s insanely beautiful up there.
Your favourite drink?
Chocolate milk in the morning, beer in the evening, and Aperol Spritz on the weekends. I promise I’m not as unhealthy as this answer makes me sound.
Your favourite food?
I can never answer this question. I like pretty much everything, and I feel as if whether something is really effing good or not does not come down to what type of food it is, but rather how it is prepared.
What you’d like to read about yourself but hasn’t been written about you yet?
Hard question! I’m about to start a podcast with some friends of mine about relationships and dating. Haha, so now I don’t only have my songs to bash out my feelings, but also this podcast. It’s called “Gutta overtenker” which is, loosely translated, Norwegian for “Guys who overthink”.
Thank you for the Answers!
Der gute hat uns auch zwei Selfies mit in die Mail gepackt, die wir natürlich weiter unten mit hier reinschmeissen.
// Text: Jens Riedel / Bilder: Slopes (by Sony Norway & Slopes) //