Geschmacksfragen: grentperez
Aus dem wunderschönen Sydney kommt der Bedroom-Newcomer grentperez, der am 02. Juni seine Neue EP „When We Were Young“ rausbrachte. Seine Songs klingen nach der Plattensammlung seiner Eltern, durch die er in seiner Kindheit inspiriert wurde mit Künstlern wie Dionne Warwick, The Carpenters oder den Bee Gees. Im September ist er auch auf Tour durch Europa, mit zwei Stopps in Deutschland am 14.09. in Köln und am 15.09. in Berlin. Wir haben ihm unsere Geschmacksfragen gestellt.
Your current favourite record?
I’ve actually recently gotten back into Frank Ocean’s channel ORANGE. The other night I was having a little personal reflection on myself as well as the music i’d been making. So I turned to Frank Ocean for some feels, and channel ORANGE just spoke to me that night, to me it feels like such an elevated record to anything else out there.
Your favourite place?
Currently in the world, New York has been such a treat to travel to and have a holiday. I could be biased to the good memories my girlfriend and I have made but the food was really good, the people were nice and also interesting, transport was easy, that was a good time.
Your favourite drink?
Favourite driiiink hmm.. I think my favourite drink would honestly be a plain old hot chocolate. I’ve never been the biggest coffee boy, i like alcohol but i wouldnt drink that on the daily, juices are good but they’re alright, water is water. I’d say hot chocolate takes it.
Your favourite food?
Cookies and Milk. God tier combo, there’s always a time for cookies and milk. I’m also actively searching for the best choc chip cookie, as my favourite line had recently become discontinued.
What you’d like to read about yourself but hasn’t been written about you yet?
Probably my own Wiki page. Has yet to happen, so we’ll see how it goes. I also do the monthly wiki subscription to keep it alive hahaha. Not for that reason, but to support the website.
Thank you for the Answers!
// Text: Jens Riedel / Bilder: grentperez (by: Theo Batterham) //