Geschmacksfragen: Greta Isaac
Ich hab euch die Waliserin Greta Isaac schon mehrfach in der „Neue Musik“ Rubrik mit ihren wunderschönen Songs vorgestellt. Am 14. Mai ist jetzt endliche ihre EP „Pessimist“ erschienen. Wir haben ihr unsere Fragen geschickt und hier sind ihre Antworten.
Your current favourite song (and why)?
A song that I’m obsessed with at the minute is Noga Erez’s ‘End of The Road’. I think the production is so innovative and Noga and Audrey Chu’s performances are stellar.
Your current favourite record (and why)?
Noga Erez ‘KIDS’ hahah I’m truly obsessed with her and her project. Her flow, lyricism, art direction of her visuals and the collaboration of her and her creative partner Rousso is brilliant.
Your favourite place (and why)?
I’m not sure if I have a favourite specific destination; but anywhere with my friends, some sunshine near a body of water is great for me hahah
Your favourite drink (and why)?
A cup of hot tea with milk and honey – the drink equivalent of a big hug
Your favourite food (and why)?
A boiled egg with butter salt and pepper OR chicken flavoured packet ramen with sriracha cause salt
What you’d like to read about yourself but hasn’t been written about you yet?
“Greta Isaac’s debut album is Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s most played album of the year“
Am 04. Juni erschien die bislang letzte Single „How To Be A Woman“ aus ihrer EP.
Vielen Dank für das kurze Interview!
// Text: Jens Riedel / Bilder: Greta Isaac //