Geschmacksfragen / Musik

Geschmacksfragen: Ider

Lily Somerville und Meg Marwick alias Ider haben letzten Freitag, am 06. August, ihr zweites Album „shame“ veröffentlicht. Kurz nach ihrem Umzug letztes Jahr von London nach Berlin haben sich die beiden mit Covid infiziert und nutzten die Quarantäne, um komplett abgeschottet und in Ruhe Neue Musik zu schreiben. Mittlerweile leben die beiden wieder in London und wir haben ihnen unsere Geschmacksfragen gestellt.

Your current favourite song? (and why?)

Lily: Mareba, Stay Tru. Someone played this to me recently and I remembered how much I’d fallen in love with her last year with her track Black Truck. Her voice and melodies are so beautiful and transcending.

Meg: Wrong Ones by Berwyn. When we’re gearing up for a release and in this instance, our second album, I find it hard to listen to lots of music. I tend to cling on to one album or artist and only listen to that, probably as a way of quieting my mind and preparing myself for the noise. So for me right now, it’s Berwyn and this song in particular.

Your current favourite record (and why)?

Lily: The self-titled album by For Those I Love, I found this album so powerful and moving in it’s lyrics and delivery. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything quite like it, he’s made something completely new and it’s incredible.

Meg: Tape 2/Fomalhaut by Berwyn

Your favourite place?

Lily: My Mom’s garden, it’s magic.

Meg: I can’t say my number one favourite place as I wouldn’t want people to know about it! However my second fave place is Berlin, in particular Friedrichshain, where we lived.

Your favourite drink?

Lily: Margarita, love the sweet and the salt and the tequila high.

Meg: A very cold beer on a very hot day.

Your favourite food?

Lily: Truffle oil, I find the taste totally addictive.

Meg: Olives. Quite often it’s the first thing I eat in the morning. The obsession is real.

What you’d like to read about yourself but hasn’t been written about you yet?

IDER: „Their net worth is £5mill“

Many Thanks!

// Text: Jens Riedel / Bilder: Ider (by Georgia Strawson & Dani Monteiro) //