Geschmacksfragen: Teddy Failure
Aus dem schwedischen Stockholm kommen Teodor Runsiö und Frans Torell aka Teddy Failure, die letzten Sommer ihre Debüt-EP „u and me, but mostly me“ veröffentlichten und mit „Stoner“ ist jetzt vor ein paar Tagen der zweite neue Song nach „Pure“ erschienen. Die beiden haben sich jetzt ein paar Minuten Zeit für unsere Geschmacksfragen gestellt.

Your current favourite song (and why)?
Our current fav song is our song Stoner because our label said that we should say this since its coming out next Friday 🙂
Your current favourite record (and why)?
We´ve been listening to moon safari by Air because its got that sweet autumn feeling to it!
Your favourite place?
We love siting in the front of the buss so you can see where youre going 🙂
Your favourite drink?
Coca Cola light – because it to freshhh and we love staying fresshhh
Your favourite food?
Been living on the new tiktok recipe with the salmon and rice bowl, its so good and easy and healthy – at least for your mind
What you’d like to read about yourself but hasn’t been written about you yet?
That we are currently working on our first EP ever and we think its actually pretty great – follow us on instagram to see if we will mess it up 🙂
Thank you for the Answers!

// Text: Jens Riedel / Bilder: Teddy Failue (Sony Music) //