Interviews / Musik

Gefragt: HONNE

Wer meine Artikel regelmäßig liest oder mich kennt, weiß, wann ich begeistert von einer Band bin. Ach, was rede ich da, seien wir doch ehrlich: Wer mich kennt, weiß, wann ich ein Fangirl bin. Wie es der Zufall wollte, sollten HONNE und ich am selben Tag in Berlin sein. Ich malte mir schon ein Treffen aus, doch bei den Herren verschob sich etwas im Kalender und ich musste wieder in Nürnberg sein. Doch eine Interviewmöglichkeit mit HONNE lass ich mir nicht durch die Lappen gehen. Also telefonierte ich mit James und Andy und meine Begeisterung stieg. Aber lest selbst:

HDIYL: You met each other at university and immediately decided to get together as a band and now you have sold out shows, gigs at the important big showcase festivals. Did you think it would develop that way, when you met at university?

Andy: No, not at all. It was always something we wanted to do. The university was a music uni. So we went there with the intention meeting other people and to do music with. At that time we had no idea what would happen.

James: We always hoped.

HDIYL: So it was like “love at the first sight” when you met?

James: He was the first person I met.

HDIYL: So it was meant to be…

Andy: It’s kind of weird when you think that way. It could be anyone.

James: We might me kissing right now… Be careful.

HDIYL: I see, there’s a lot of tension between you two. Back to the music. Are you more into soul music or electronic music? If you were asked to pick one of the two.

Andy: Based on what I listen to, it’s more now electronic music. But at the same time I am influenced by soul music. Something with soulful vocal like Ry X. It has its electronic part, but it has it soulful parts as well.

James: We listen a lot to rap music like Kendrick Lamar or Chance the Rapper. It still got its roots in soul music. With the harmonies.

HDIYL: Well, that’s a good mixture.

Andy: And it’s quite popular right now. When it comes to electronic music.

HDIYL: Your debut album “Warm On A Cold Night” is coming out in a few days. How did you decide which songs should be on your album? Because my two favourite songs „Gone Are the Days“ and „Top to Toe“ aren’t on the album.

James & Andy: Oh no! But „Gone Are the Days“ is on the deluxe version…

Andy: You have to think that way, that now these two songs are your favourites, but when you put the album on, there will be new ones.

HDIYL: I know and “Someone that loves you” which I like as well is on the album. So everything is fine.

James: Have you heard the whole album?

HDIYL: Yes, of course! It was my preparation for the interview. I really like your album, because there are not these dancy pop songs on it, but they are still quite catchy. It has something laid back, which I like at the moment.

So how do you decide which songs should be on the album?

Andy: With big difficulties. It’s quite tough. We had probably 30 songs to choose from and of course you have some favourite songs. So you choose these songs which make a good album and represents you in the best way.

James: It should show our journey. It shouldn’t be an album with 3 minute Pop songs.

HDIYL: It would be boring, if all your singles where on the album, because everyone would know them.

Andy: That’s true.

HDIYL: But you did a good job, even though it was hard for you.

Andy: Thank you, we will do another album with “Top to Toe” for you.

HDIYL: Perfect, then I would definitely buy the album.

Why did you decide to work with Izzy Bizu? What do you like about her and her music?

James: That came together, because she spoke about our music on a blog, saying she’s been listening to our music. We tweeted her and said we should get together and write a track. She came around, it was a very chilled out day and we just wrote that song. It came from nowhere. It happened really natural. It was just a pleasant experience.

HDIYL: Do you like the fact, that it’s said, that people can fall in love while listening to your music?

James: We love that! People do.

HDIYL: Was there a couple telling you their story that they fell in love to your music?

James: People told me, who are in a long distance relationship, that they listen to our music while they drive to each other. A couple of times ago when we were here, a guy came to us and said he played our song “The Night” to his wife when she was pregnant. Now the baby is born and when the baby cries he puts that song on and the baby is quiet. It’s so lovely!

HDIYL: Now the end is near and this will be my last question. What’s your favourite song or album at the moment?

James: It’s Chance the Rapper – Colouring Book. My favourite song is “Angles”.

Andy: I really liked Kanye West’s album. It is very good. We’re doing a lot of DJ sets recently and we try to explore our music horizon. We put a little bit of Jamie xx in and then Drake. The DJ sets are a good way to find more new music. It makes you think. Listening to it from a different perspective, thinking what people would like.

Thanks a lot for the interview!!

Man merkt es dem Interview an, so ganz objektiv kann ich nicht über die beiden schreiben. Will ich auch gar nicht. Das ging ja damals mit dem „5 Fragen an“ schon los…

Ihr Debütalbum „Warm On A Cold Night“ erscheint diesen Freitag und ich habe schon vor dem Interview spekuliert, ob eben meine beiden Lieblingslieder drauf sein werden oder nicht. Ist leider nicht so. Klar, anfangs war es schon ein wenig schade, aber das Gute ist, ich kann jetzt neue Songs hören, die sich letzten Endes zu meinen Lieblingen dazugesellen. So steigt die Anzahl, die Begeisterung und die Lust, HONNE unbedingt mal wieder live zu sehen.

HONNE haben Recht – man kann sich zu ihrer Musik verlieben. Entweder in jemanden oder in die Musik…

/ Text: Matilda Pfeil / Bild: Warner Music /