Gefragt: Olsson
Wie es der Zufall wollte, verweilten Olsson und ich zur gleichen Zeit in der gleichen Stadt. Ich war auf meiner ersten Preisverleihung und er drehte das Musikvideo zur aktuellen Single „Hold On“. Der Montagmorgen hat wahrlich keinen guten Ruf. So ist er der Beginn der Woche und nach einem schönen Wochenende muss man wieder früh raus. An diesem Montagmorgen bin ich aber gern aufgestanden, weil ich mit dem guten Olsson für ein Interview verabredet war. So saßen wir schön in der Sonne an der Spree und quatschen über den Vodafone Werbespot, über das Debütalbum und allgemein über Musik.
HDIYL: How would you introduce yourself to someone who doesn’t know you or your music?
Olsson: First of all, I would introduce myself as Olsson, because that’s my artist name and my last name. I’m an artist, a songwriter and a producer. I’ve been doing this for 20 years now. I’ve been in a band, releasing albums and been touring around but I’m about to finish my first solo album. That I’ve been working on like crazy for the last three or four years. I’m finalising it now and “Hold On” is the first song from my album.
HDIYL: That was the perfect transition to my next question! Why have you started to focus on your solo career now?
Olsson: I don’t really know. I think the straight and honest answer is that I’ve been working with my band and it is another baby of mine. It’s not active at the moment. That band is a completely another story from what I’m doing solo now. The first baby had to grow up and be a teenager, leave the house, before I brought this new baby to the world. I couldn’t grow up two kids at the same time.
HDIYL: That makes sense. Your song “Hold On” is featured in the new Vodafone campaign. What did think you when Vodafone came to you and asked to use „Hold On“ in their latest ad? Other artists like Aurora had quite a success with the campaign.
Olsson: I mean, it’s great! The campaign is huge here in Germany. I want as many people as possible to listen to the song and make their own judgement. I’m not expecting everyone to like it but I think a campaign like that in such a big place and market like Germany is going to be helpful. I don’t have any expectations that Vodafone makes me big. But I think it will definitely help us and spread the word in Germany.
HDIYL: I think, it’s a great start for you, because everyone should know your song or should have listened to it. Maybe they are interested in your music and want to listen to more of your songs.
Olsson: Yeah, I’ve been shooting a music video for the song and been meeting a lot of people. They seemed to know it already. It’s pretty new for everyone. We just released it a couple of weeks ago. It’s funny to see that people saying “Oh that’s that song! I heard it on the radio.”
HDIYL: So talking about the music video. What is it about? Has it a story or is it just you walking around in Berlin?
Olsson: It doesn’t have a story, but it‘s got a message. It‘s got the same vibe and message as the song. I didn’t want it to be focused on me. I wanted to have a lot of people in it. I wanted it to be hopeful, powerful and groovy. I think Berlin is the perfect spot to shoot that.
HDIYL: Where did you shoot it?
Olsson: All over. We were in Kreuzberg. On roof tops, old buildings, biking around the city. We flew Mapei down as well. We had a lot of fun!
HDIYL: You mentioned your debut album. Is it finished or are you in the last chapter? Can you tell me something about it? Your inspiration or main topics?
Olsson: I’m in the last chapter. For me, it’s really my first dance album, but not in the dance clubbing way. It’s more for this type of weather, sitting outside in the park in the afternoon with friends. The whole project started with finding beats, which I’ve been having in my head and put them down with all the melodies in my head. For me it’s a very groovy album. Lyric wise it’s not the happiest album in the world but it’s still very poppy and honest. I think the poppiest songs have sort of a contrast to the less happy lyrics. “Hold On” is melancholic, it got a hopeful and powerful message. The album has been capturing my life for the three or four years which have been a little bit of a struggle. The whole album has been for me things just coming out. I’ve just been following it and that’s the beauty of making music. Whatever comes out, comes out. You can’t control it.
HDIYL: I’m very curious about your debut album. I’ve been listening to “Hold On” and “Thin Love” and I want to listen to more of your songs. You are a member of the artist collective INGRID. Would you like to have some of them as a feature in one of your songs?
Olsson: No, it’s more like a loose collective and studio. It is a way to connect with people that you like around you. We are all pretty much friends. It is a cool space and there’s a lot of cool things going on and great musicians coming in. We’re all producing and writing for others. So it’s good for us, because a lot of people are coming to Sweden and we don’t have to go to L.A. or somewhere else. It’s great.
HDIYL: So you wouldn’t mix it? Like if Lykke Li is in the studio and you wouldn’t ask her to be a feature?
Olsson: I haven’t. It wouldn’t be weird because it’s that kind of vibe. We listen to each other’s stuff and it’s very loose. In a good way.
HDIYL: Now it’s time for my last question: What’s your favourite song or album at the moment? It’s quite a tough question.
Olsson: No, it’s fine. I have the answer. Right now, my favourite album and artist is, well it must be, the Frank Ocean Album. That’s what I’m listening the most at the moment. I’m pretty obsessed with him. He’s a genius and I’m really jealous of him.
HDIYL: Why are you jealous?
Olsson: He is brilliant. The world he creates with his stuff is amazing. I’m obsessed with digging into that world. I just love his stuff and he is a mastermind.
Thanks a lot Olsson for the interview!
Das Schicksal oder der Zufall, kann man sich aussuchen, führte uns eine Woche später wieder zusammen. Diesmal war Hamburg die auserwählte Stadt und schon wieder war der Ort nah am Wasser bzw. auf dem Wasser. Vodafone und Universal luden zur Bootstour im Rahmen des Reeperbahn Festivals ein. Zum ersten Mal live in Deutschland gab Olsson einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf sein Album und Frank & Friedrich legten auf. Ich hatte es im Nachbericht schon kurz angerissen – das war ein wirklich schönes Erlebnis. Wer kann schon sagen, dass er auf einer Bootstour war, die glatt einem Konzert ähnelte? Dazu zeigte sich die Sonne von ihrer schönsten Seite und zauberte ein sehr schönes Licht über der Elbe. An der Stelle könnte ich ein Bild einfügen, aber ich entschied mich dazu, dass Handy in der Hosentasche stecken zu lassen. Bei Olsson holte ich es raus und knipste ein zwei Fotos als Erinnerung.
Ich kann euch sagen, gefühlt auf kein anderes Album bin ich so gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen, wie auf das Debüt von Olsson. Das fiese ist ja, dass man mit ein paar neuen Songs neugierig gemacht wird und sie nicht noch mal hören kann. Da muss ich mich noch gedulden und dabei gehört Geduld nicht immer zu meinen Stärken…
Hier es nun – das Musikvideo zu „Hold On“:
/ Text: Matilda Pfeil / Bild: Pressefreigabe /