Interviews / Musik

Gefragt: Two Door Cinema Club

So ne richtige Liste an Bands, die ich mal unbedingt zum Interview treffen möchte, habe ich nicht. Ein paar Bands habe ich im Kopf und wenn sich die Möglichkeit ergeben sollte, sage ich nicht nein. Am Ende wäre ich zu aufgeregt und hibbelig und würde kein Wort rausbringen. So war das ganz am Anfang, aber das ist auch schon wieder sechs Jahre her…

Two Door Cinema Club hätte nicht auf besagter Liste gestanden, weil ich sie immer als „schon zu erfolgreich“ eingeschätzt habe, dass wenn sie Interviews geben, dann nur mit den großen Medien. Doch wenn ich schon zu dem Konzert gehe und die Jungs Zeit haben – tja dann habe ich natürlich Fragen vorbereitet und auch gestellt.

Ein kleines Potpourri aus Fragen zur Tour, zum aktuellen Album „Gameshow“ und zu einem deutschen Wort. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

HDIYL: How’s the tour been so far?

Kevin: It’s been good. We haven’t been on tour in Europe for maybe three or four years, especially in places like Munich, Prague or Brussels. We haven’t been there in places like that, so it’s really nice to come back. People enjoy seeing our band and have a good time. It’s been really nice. We’ve been very blessed with decent weather. We were all preparing for very cold couple of weeks.

HDIYL: In January, you played some shows in Japan. Would you say there is a difference between the European and the Japanese audience?

Alex: They are completely different. Almost everything is different. It is just a very different way of life, a different culture and social life. Both audiences are certainly very respectful, when we play on stage. In Japan, the respect is shown in a different kind of way. There is no talking, they don’t sing a long and there is silence in between songs. That’s something you going to get used to. While here it is different. It seems to be more a social able thing. Also here, I noticed, our audience is a little bit older than in many other places.

HDIYL: So the European audience got older with you the last couple of years. Speaking now about your album “Gameshow”. You took a break between “Beacon” and “Gameshow” and lived in separate cities. Do you think it is it better for the band and your creativity to live in different kind of states?

Alex: Absolutely! It becomes very difficult after a while to be imaginative. All your experience become the same and you kind of defeats the purpose of collaboration. Obviously everyone sees things with a different view point. But when you have the same experiences and with the same viewpoints and put something out there based on the particular experiences, than everyone has a different idea to work on it. It is easier, if you start from different places. I mean, it was certainly different, something we’ve never had before. It is something, what kept this process fresh and exciting for us.

HDIYL: That’s good! So for the next album, you will stay separate and come to together for the music?

Alex: I don’t know. Maybe we make it differently again. We don’t know what is going to happen with the next album.

HDIYL: Just what feels right. I read in your press release, that you discovered the word “Weltschmerz”. I think everyone has its own meaning for it. So I was wondering, what do you like about the word?

Alex: Why did they put it in there? That was our record label. It was a word I said once. The label just wrote it in our press release.

HDIYL: Is there an English word for “Weltschmerz” then?

Alex: It is just Weltschmerz. I mean, if you ask me, to me it is a feeling of disparity between the world in your head and the real world. Like not fitting in with what is going on around you. Maybe having some kind of romanticised idea inside your head. That’s what I took from it. That sentiment is featured on “Gameshow”. That’s for sure.

HDIYL: Ok, that’s why it was mentioned. It was also mentioned, that you are critical with social media. Would you say your relationship with social media is more love or hate?

Alex: It’s neither really. I don’t think I’m critical of it – I’m just wary of it. It is difficult to navigate, still very knew. I don’t think humans are equipped to deal with it.

HDIYL: Coming now to my favourite last question: What’s your favourite song or album at the moment?

Alex: I really like the new Weeknd track with Daft Punk “I Feel It Coming”. It is the most perfect Pop song around lately.

Kevin: I was listening to new Bonobo record a lot.

Sam: The only thing I got recently is the new Sampha album.

Thanks a lot for the interview!

Eine Sache muss ich noch anmerken, erst im Nachhinein und verstärkter die letzten Tage, ist mir aufgefallen, dass Alex verdammt hoch singen kann. Und das ziemlich sicher! Schon bei „Bad Desicions“ hatte er schon meinen vollsten Respekt, aber das noch live genauso gut hinzubekommen, ist schon eine Leistung. Die Stimme wird nicht dünner. Hätte ich nicht geahnt, als ich mit den dreien gequatscht habe…

Jetzt im Nachhinein muss ich manchmal kneifen, dass ich wirklich Two Door Cinema Club zum Interview getroffen habe, weil alles so schnell ging, konnte das mein Kopf gar nicht so richtig realisieren. Gott sei Dank hab ich für mich ein Erinnerungsfoto gemacht und zur Not kann ich mir ja das Interview einfach noch anhören. Hihi.

@twodoorcinemaclub zum Interview treffen: Check! #tdcc #interview #hdiyl #musicblog #twodoorcinemaclub

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/ Text: Matilda Pfeil / Bild: Warner Music /